Mission Statement
"To provide a financially self-sustaining facility that promotes a drug and alcohol-free environment for personal and social growth of the individual and family."
Alcoholics Anonymous does not finance or lend its name to any outside organization. The Alano Club is an outside organization, separate and distinct from AA, Alanon, or any other 12-step meeting. An autonomous group conducts each meeting held at the club, and each group pays rent to the club to help pay expenses. Membership in the Alano Club is independent of membership in various organizations that use the club's facilities for their meetings.
The Alano Club offers the recovering alcoholic a place to go, take a break, and have a coffee with men and women who understand the program and the process of recovery. We come together to find support and learn about the many other resources available to the recovering alcoholic in our community.

West Suburban Alano is a non-profit corporation designed for our members to meet and share their experience, strength and hope with each other because of our common concern for people trying to achieve and maintain a life free from the use of alcohol or drugs.
Comfortable & Supportive Environment
WSA provides a comfortable and supportive environment to hold meetings and be with people who understand the recovery process. This is made possible thanks to the willingness and generosity of members & volunteers. We are a completely volunteer non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, and we rely entirely on meeting room rent and membership contributions to afford the upkeep and operational expenses of the Alano.